
Site-building basics

Site-building basics

    Site-building basics

    Site design is critical to increasing your AdSense revenue. Both Google (the Brains Behind It All) and AdSense users (Average Janes and Joes working in the Web trenches) have tested different combinations of content, ad placement, and ad design to see what works best. There are some clear leaders — site design is important, and it all starts with the site name.

    Name and address
    Okay, it’s time for the Obvious Tip of the Week: The name of your site should be closely related to the topic of your site. There’s also more to your name than just a name; a well-designed site has a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) — fancy talk for a Web site address — that reflects the site name.
    The URL is the address that you see in the address bar of a Web site. For example, you don’t want a Web site named TheKittenPalace.com if your target topic is dogs or tropical fish. If you look at Web sites, you’ll find that the content on the site is usually closely related to the site name.
    Domain names come in two flavors: free and premium (or not free). A free domain name is usually used with Web pages that are hosted in a Web site community, whereas a premium domain name is usually hosted all by itself. Think of domain names like a neighborhood. An apartment in a complex at the end of the street usually has to share the same address as several other apartments (those in the same building), the only difference being the apartment number. Houses, on the other hand, have the luxury of their own address.
    Free domains are available from a number of sources, including
      Google Pages: (www.pages.google.com): A free service you can use when you create your Web
    pages with Google Page Creator.
     Geocities: (http://geocities.yahoo.com): This free Web hosting
    provider has been around for a while. If you don’t mind someone else controlling the ads on your
    site, it’s a good option.
    Homestead: (www.homestead.com): Another free hosting provider,
    Homestead offers templates that make creating your Web site fast and easy.
      Free WebSites: (www.freewebsites.com): This service hosts your site
    for free, but requires that you allow them to advertise on your site. The ads are small, but you don’t control them.
    Most of these services provide a Web page creator tool that lets you design your pages in minutes. You can literally sign up for an account and have a Web site online in less than an hour, and that’s if you’re being very creative about putting your site together.
    The problem with pages like these — pages that are part of a community — is that you don’t have a direct URL. The URL for the site — which, if you remember my advice, should reflect the actual topic of your site — is usually something quite generic, like www.yoursite.community.com.
    Nothing’s wrong with being generic — if you don’t mind ending up buried in search results — and nothing’s wrong with being buried in the search results if you don’t want to generate income with AdSense.
    Oh, and one more thing. These pages are usually free because they’re preloaded with advertisements from which you make no money. However, that would make it even harder for you to generate an AdSense income with these pages.
    If you do want to generate income with AdSense, your Web site address should reflect your site name and it should be a direct address. A direct address states www.yoursite.com loud and clear and nothing else. I don’t know about you, but I’m much more likely to type that than to type http://www.
    example1.com/ Search-Engine-Optimization /dp/0470175001/ ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1208363273&sr=8-10 if I’m looking for a particular type of Web site.

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